How We Started…
Catch A Rising Star has been a family owned and operated festival company led by Carol Adams since its inception in 2001. In 2021 it was rebranded into Catch Dance Productions to encompass all that has been built in it’s 20 years of operation. As an instructor myself, I was always looking for opportunities for my students to perform. I have been working in Central Alberta to promote dance in rural areas. As the dance industry grows in rural areas, a dance festival needs to be tailored to accommodate small town studios and smaller studios in general. Studios with similar programs are invited to our festivals. Most festivals, we often have access to, challenge us to compete with dancers from large city studios that are able to offer much more to their students. Small studios with similar attributes deserve their own festival without the strong competitive atmosphere. We want a fair and fun festival of our own. Our Tour includes GALAXY Dance Festivals as well as two dates for both Catch A Rising Star Dance Festivals and NOVA Dance Challenge.

No Suprises!
We promise to keep our festivals running on our ‘advertised’ dates. We do not extend the festival to accommodate more entries. When our time capacity had been reach we cut off entries, so enter early to avoid disappointment!
We cater to teachers!
Our team loves to help out. Props, scheduling questions…we want to help. Don’t be afraid to ask any one of our approachable team members. Food and beverages will be supplied.
We Offer 4 Levels For Dancers
- Novice Level for the beginner dancers
- Pre-Competitive level for any dancers 7 years of age and younger.
- Competitive Level for dancers training under 6 hours per week
- Accelerated Level for dancers training more than 6 hours per week.
**Note: Once a dancer has been entered as an accelerated entry they cannot return to the competitive category in the future.
Why Our Festivals?
- Our festivals are geared to award as many dancers as possible.
- We have adjudications approximately every 30 minutes.
- There is an average of one award in every four entries.
- All participants are awarded a medal with their on stage adjudication.
- Our Pre-Competitive Level is judged the same as all entries-receiving a medal standing
- There are plaques for groups and beautiful medallions for solos & duets in every adjudication.
- On Stage Scholarships and Choreography awards in every group adjudication.
- Cash & Scholarships are awarded at the Top Awards Ceremonies on the final day.
- Last year Catch Dance Productions handed out more than $100,000 in scholarships & cash awards.